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Figure path mess with R Markdown/knitr/jekyll/GitHub

Thanks largely to this awesome blog post, it took me less than an hour to set up a local jekyll site on my machine and familiarize myself with the structure. Next, I started pulling and modifying files from the hyde theme until I had the basic look I wanted (a minimalist black-and-white theme with a permanent sidebar and blog). I added some basic content (About Me, publications, etc), and by nightfall I was happy enough with my new site to go live on GitHub Pages. Not bad for a day’s work.

But the smooth sailing ended the next day when I started trying to incorporate R Markdown documents with R code and graphical output. I read several blog posts on using R Markdown and knitr to create pages for your jekyll/GitHub site (e.g., here and here). The basic idea is this:

  1. Write your page in an R Markdown document, including chunks of R code
  2. Use knitr to “knit” the *.Rmd file, which produces a simple Markdown *.md file and output files, including any figures produced by your R code
  3. Add the *.md file and output to the GitHub repository for your site
  4. Sit back and relax as GitHub pages automatically builds and serves your site, rendering your *.md and dependent files into an attractive *.html page with syntax highlighting for your code and R output displayed.

I added my first *.Rmd->*.md page with R figures (my silly cards page). I then built and previewed my site locally on my machine, and when I saw that everything was beautiful, I pushed it to GitHub. But when I went to view the live site, I was horrified to see that all of the R figures were missing! How could this be?

I checked the html source code for the page and discovered the immediate problem: the file paths to the figures had an extra forward slash appended to the beginning of the path, e.g., <img src="//project/figure/fig.png" /> rather than <img src="/project/figure/fig.png" />. Apparently the offending slash was being added when my *.md files were rendered into *.html by GitHub/jekyll.

I am not going to attempt to figure out what sorcery caused this extra slash to appear in my html- I’m sure there is a good reason why GitHub/jekyll behave this way. What I AM going to do is explain what exactly I did that seemed to cause the problem, and how I fixed it with a few lines of R code.

The problem

Locally, my website lives in the directory /Users/nunnlab/Desktop/GitHub/ After creating my caRds.Rmd file, I added it to my website’s projects folder, and then ran knit like so:

# load knitr

# navigate to directory of caRds.Rmd

# knit

As expected, knit produced the file in my projects directory, as well as a new folder called figure which was filled with all the figures produced by my R code. Opening the Markdown file reveals that points to each figure with a relative path like this:


I had no problem previewing the the Markdown file in R Studio, nor did I have a problem building the site locally on my machine. The issue only occurred when I pushed the site to GitHub. The html generated by GitHub/jekyll seemingly wanted the image paths to be absolute, and also fixed an extra slash to the beginning of each absolute path: <img src="//projects/figure/figure1.png" />. After a bit of tinkering, I discovered that if I manually edited the Markdown file to include the absolute paths from my site root, like this:


Then GitHub/jekyll would leave my paths alone and produce proper html tags linking to my figures. I suppose I could do that manually for all my Markdown files every time I knit, but the whole point of blogging with R Markdown/knitr/jekyll/GitHub is supposed to be the convenient workflow, and having to edit all the figure paths in my Markdown files after knitting them is not my idea of convenience. I reasoned that there were two general approaches to solving this problem:

  1. Make some adjustment to the knitting process so that the resulting *.md files include the absolute path to the figures on my site
  2. Make some adjustment to the jekyll configuration so that GitHub/jekyll don’t mess up my paths

I ended up going with the first approach, mostly because I am more comfortable with R/knitr than I am messing with jekyll settings. I should note that because my approach changes the paths in the *.md files such that they are no longer relative, you will no longer be able to preview them in R Studio- you will get an error telling you that your document points to files that don’t exist. I don’t love it, but it isn’t a big deal to me because I rarely feel the need to preview the intermediate *.md files.

The solution

The key is to recognize that the figure paths produced by knit are a combination of two parameters, base.url + fig.path, which can be modified with the functions opts_knit and opts_chunk respectively. The defaults are base.url = NULL and fig.path = "figure/", such that the default figure path ends up being simply figure/. Importantly, since fig.path is a chunk option, changing it will not just change the paths in the resulting *.md file; it will also change where your figures are actually sent when you run knit. Specifically, your figures will be sent to base.dir + fig.path (note that base.dir and base.url are different!). Wow, that’s a bit confusing! Let’s distill this down:

knit SENDS your figures to base.dir + fig.path, and the resulting Markdown POINTS to figures in base.url + fig.path.

When I run knit for my *.Rmd files, what I want is for the figures to be SENT the correct directory on my machine, so I want base.dir + fig.path to define an absolute path on my machine:


However, in order for the paths to be specified correctly when GitHub/jekyll build my site, I want the resulting *.md file to point towards figures with an absolute path from the root of my website:


Here is how this can work in R:

# define paths
base.dir <- "/Users/nunnlab/Desktop/GitHub/"
base.url <- "/"
fig.path <- "projects/figure/"

# this is where figures will be sent
paste0(base.dir, fig.path)
## [1] "/Users/nunnlab/Desktop/GitHub/"
# this is where markdown will point for figures
paste0(base.url, fig.path)
## [1] "/projects/figure/"

Okay, that looks like what I want! Now, set the parameters using opts_knit and opts_chunk.

# set knitr parameters
opts_knit$set(base.dir = base.dir, base.url = base.url)
opts_chunk$set(fig.path = fig.path) 

And finally, navigate to the project directory containing caRds.Rmd and run knit (this ensures that knit sends to the same directory as caRds.Rmd, which is what I want)

# change directory

# knit

And that does the trick! The resulting Markdown file now points towards figures with absolute paths from my site root, e.g., /project/figure/figure1.png, and GitHub/jekyll produce an html page that displays the figures properly.

I cleaned this up by setting the knit options within the *.Rmd file itself. I added the following lines of code to an R chunk placed right after the front matter in caRds.Rmd:

knitr::opts_knit$set(base.dir = "/Users/nunnlab/Desktop/GitHub/", base.url = "/")
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.path = "projects/figure/")

Now I can just navigate to the project directory and run knit without setting any options outside of the *.Rmd file. Assuming I want the figures for all of my ‘projects’ to be stored in /projects/figure/, I can use the same knitr settings for all of my project *.Rmd’s.

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